During the course of Elden Ring items, one of the most important events is the conflict that takes place between the demigods Malenia and Radahn in their fight against one another. On the battlefield over Caelid, the two titans confronted one another face to face for the first time. In the real world, it was the realization of an unstoppable force coming into contact with an immovable object. While the two godly forces fought it out in the sky, below them their armies were engaged in a horrible and bloody battle in which neither side could gain any ground. Neither side could advance. In spite of this, the elimination of the area left both of the demigods alive, and because of this, the fight was considered to be a draw.


After only a short period of time, all of the demigods began to vie with one another for control of the Elden Rune's power. During the time that Radahn was establishing his kingdom in Caelid, Malenia was far to the north concealing herself and her brother within the Haligtree. To this day, it is not entirely clear why exactly Malenia chose to march with her armies on Radahn, but there are two prominent theories that appear to have the upper hand in determining what actually occurred. It's possible that Radahn was trying to obtain more pieces of the Elden Rune in addition to the ones that had been given to him initially.

There is also the possibility that Radahn was able to stop the stars from falling prior to the battle of Caelid. He was an expert in gravity magic and his spells were so powerful that he was able to stop the very stars in their orbits with them. Take into consideration the fact that time keeps moving forward but no one is able to accomplish anything. If you were, at the time, enrolled in college, for instance, you would continue to do so indefinitely and never finish your degree, despite the fact that the days would continue to pass normally. This is the location of the boss battle against Radahn, which takes place in this arena. After what seemed like an endless amount of time had passed, Malenia came to the realization that if extreme measures were not taken, there would never be a victor in this conflict. If she did not take these measures, she believed that the conflict would continue indefinitely.


The End Result Of The War Taking Everything Into Account


  • The conflict in Caelid ultimately resulted in both sides being successful in their efforts to wipe the other out

  • An entire kingdom and countless of its people were brought to their knees as a result of the blooming of the Scarlet Flower

  • When you open up the map, you will see that Malenia's actions have caused widespread destruction that extends for miles in all directions

  • This destruction can be seen for a considerable distance in all directions

  • Despite this, Greyoll's Dragonsbarrow, which is situated smack dab in the middle of the fallout zone produced by the Rot, has not been negatively impacted in any way

  • This is one of the hypotheses that has been proposed as a possible explanation

  • The explosion caused General Radahn to become infected with the Scarlet Rot, which ultimately led to his death

  • Instead, he went insane as a consequence of the excruciating pain and the rot that was devouring his body while it was being eaten away

  • After the battle came to an end, Radahn ambled around the battlefield aimlessly and consumed the remains of those who had fought on both sides of the conflict

  • Finlay, a legendary Cleanrot Knight, came across Malenia while she was in a state of unconsciousness and brought her back to the Haligtree

  • Because her coma lasted for such a long period of time, the moment we enter her boss room is the very first time that she comes out of it after the battle

  • The length of her coma was astounding

  • Because of how poorly both sides had performed throughout the conflict and the fact that neither of the Demigods had actually been killed, the vast majority of people believed that the battle had ended in a draw

After considering everything that has been stated, it would seem that Malenia emerged victorious in the end without a shadow of a doubt. After the battle, Radahn was reduced to a mindless husk, with no free will and insufficient intelligence to even attempt to flee the beaches of the conflict. He was unable to even attempt to escape. Because of this, she emerged as the winner, despite the fact that the cost was so great that she probably did not feel like a winner.

What can we discover about the other demigods through this conflict, and why is XBOX Elden Ring Runes so essential for us to do so? The character Radahn was the embodiment of the Strength stat in the game. The stat in question is Malenia, which is also referred to as Dexterity. The most important aspect of Morgot is faith. Both of these individuals are regarded as outsiders in the community.

It would appear that there is a valid argument that can be made for the proposition that no battle between two demigods could ever result in one demigod truly prevailing over the other. Following the battle that took place between Malenia and Radahn, no other Demigod will dare to challenge another.

This is, of course, just a theory; however, considering it does cause one to consider some intriguing new avenues of thought. If Ranni had more time to get ready for the fight against Malenia, she might be able to win. There is a chance that we will never discover the answer to this question; however, one thing can be said with absolute certainty: the demigods who live in the Lands Between are most terrified of one another.